fetchZappedReceipts method
fetch all zap receipts matching given pubKey and optional event id, in sats
Stream<ZapReceipt> fetchZappedReceipts(
{required String pubKey, String? eventId, Duration? timeout}) {
NdkResponse? response =
_requests.query(timeout: timeout ?? Duration(seconds: 10), filters: [
eventId != null
? Filter(kinds: [ZapReceipt.kKind], eTags: [eventId], pTags: [pubKey])
: Filter(kinds: [ZapReceipt.kKind], pTags: [pubKey])
// TODO how to check validity of zap receipts without nostrPubKey and recipientLnurl????
return response.stream.map((event) => ZapReceipt.fromEvent(event));
// List<Nip01Event> events = await response.future;
// return events.map((event) => ZapReceipt.fromEvent(event)).toList();