Lists class

Lists usecase for access to nip51 lists & sets


Lists({required Requests requests, required CacheManager cacheManager, required Broadcast broadcast, required EventSigner? eventSigner})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


broadcastAddNip51ListElement(int kind, String tag, String value, Iterable<String>? broadcastRelays, {bool private = false}) Future<Nip51List>
broadcastAddNip51ListRelay(int kind, String relayUrl, Iterable<String>? broadcastRelays, {bool private = false}) Future<Nip51List>
broadcastAddNip51SetRelay(String relayUrl, String name, Iterable<String>? broadcastRelays, {bool private = false}) Future<Nip51Set>
broadcastRemoveNip51ListElement(int kind, String tag, String value, Iterable<String>? broadcastRelays) Future<Nip51List?>
broadcastRemoveNip51Relay(int kind, String relayUrl, Iterable<String>? broadcastRelays, {List<String>? defaultRelaysIfEmpty}) Future<Nip51List?>
broadcastRemoveNip51SetRelay(String relayUrl, String name, Iterable<String>? broadcastRelays, {List<String>? defaultRelaysIfEmpty, bool private = false}) Future<Nip51Set?>
getNip51RelaySets(int kind, EventSigner signer, {bool forceRefresh = false}) Future<List<Nip51Set>?>
return list of all nip51 relay sets that match a given kind
getPublicNip51RelaySets({required int kind, required String publicKey, bool forceRefresh = false}) Future<List<Nip51Set>?>
getSingleNip51List(int kind, EventSigner signer, {bool forceRefresh = false, Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 5)}) Future<Nip51List?>
return nip51 list by given kind
getSingleNip51RelaySet(String name, EventSigner signer, {bool forceRefresh = false}) Future<Nip51Set?>
return single nip51 set that match given name
getSinglePublicNip51RelaySet({required String name, required String publicKey, bool forceRefresh = false}) Future<Nip51Set?>
return single public nip51 set that match given name and pubkey
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.