broadcastReaction method

NdkBroadcastResponse broadcastReaction({
  1. required String eventId,
  2. Iterable<String>? customRelays,
  3. String reaction = "+",

convenience methods

broadcast a reaction to an event
eventId the event you want to react to
customRelays relay URls to send the deletion request to specific relays
reaction the reaction, default + (like) can be 🤔 (emoji)


/// broadcast a reaction to an event \
/// [eventId] the event you want to react to \
/// [customRelays] relay URls to send the deletion request to specific relays \
/// [reaction] the reaction, default + (like) can be 🤔 (emoji)
NdkBroadcastResponse broadcastReaction({
  required String eventId,
  Iterable<String>? customRelays,
  String reaction = "+",
}) {
  final signer = _checkSinger();
  Nip01Event event = Nip01Event(
      pubKey: signer.getPublicKey(),
      kind: Reaction.kKind,
      tags: [
        ["e", eventId]
      content: reaction,
      createdAt: ~/ 1000);
  return broadcast(nostrEvent: event, specificRelays: customRelays);