broadcast method

NdkBroadcastResponse broadcast({
  1. required Nip01Event nostrEvent,
  2. Iterable<String>? specificRelays,
  3. EventSigner? customSigner,

low level nostr broadcast using inbox/outbox (gossip)
specificRelays disables inbox/outbox (gossip) and broadcasts to the relays specified. Useful for NostrWalletConnect
customSigner if you want to use a different signer than the default specified in NdkConfig
returns a NdkBroadcastResponse object containing the result => success per relay


NdkBroadcastResponse broadcast({
  required Nip01Event nostrEvent,
  Iterable<String>? specificRelays,
  EventSigner? customSigner,
}) {
  final broadcastState = BroadcastState();
  // register broadcast state
  _globalState.inFlightBroadcasts[] = broadcastState;

  final signer =
      nostrEvent.sig == '' ? _checkSinger(customSigner: customSigner) : null;

  return _engine.handleEventBroadcast(
    nostrEvent: nostrEvent,
    signer: signer,
    specificRelays: specificRelays,
    doneStream: broadcastState.stateUpdates
        .map((state) => state.broadcasts.values.toList()),