
nbr (Network Bound Resource) is a Dart library for managing resources that are bound to network requests. It simplifies the handling of data fetching from network and local storage, ensuring a consistent and reactive approach to resource management.


  • Manages network requests and local storage seamlessly.
  • Emits stream updates for different states: loading, success, failed, and empty.
  • Provides a structured way to handle data fetching, caching, and mapping.


Add nbr to your pubspec.yaml file:

  nbr: latest

Then, run pub get to install the package.


Import the library:

import 'package:nbr/nbr.dart';


class MyNetworkBoundResource extends NetworkBoundResource<MyEntity> {
  Future<void> fetchData() async {
    await fetch<MyDTO>(
      fetchFromAPI: () async {
        // Implement your API call here
        return MyDTO();
      loadFromDB: () async {
        // Implement loading data from the database
        return null;
      storeToDB: (data) async {
        // Implement storing data to the database
      shouldFetch: (data) async {
        // Implement your logic to decide whether to fetch from API
        return true;
      mapDTOToEntity: (dto) {
        // Implement mapping from DTO to entity
        return MyEntity();

void main() async {
  final resource = MyNetworkBoundResource();

  resource.stream.listen((resource) {
    if (resource.isLoading) {
    } else if (resource.isSuccess) {
      print('Success: ${resource.data}');
    } else if (resource.isFailed) {
      print('Failed: ${resource.error}');
    } else if (resource.isEmpty) {
      print('No data');

  await resource.fetchData();



Abstract class representing a resource bound to a network request.


  • Stream<Resource<Entity>> get stream: A stream of Resource objects representing the current state of the resource.


  • Future<void> fetch<DTO>(...): Fetches the resource from the network and emits Resource objects representing the current state.

    • fetchFromAPI: A callback to fetch the resource from the API.
    • loadFromDB: A callback to load the resource from the database.
    • storeToDB: A callback to store the fetched resource to the database.
    • shouldFetch: A callback to determine if the resource should be fetched from the API.
    • mapDTOToEntity: A callback to map the DTO from the API to an entity.
  • void dispose(): Disposes of the NetworkBoundResource by closing the StreamController.


A class representing the state of a resource.


  • bool get isLoading: Indicates if the resource is in a loading state.
  • bool get isSuccess: Indicates if the resource has been successfully fetched.
  • bool get isFailed: Indicates if the resource fetching has failed.
  • bool get isEmpty: Indicates if the resource is empty.
  • T? data: The data of the resource.
  • Object? error: The error occurred during fetching the resource.

Static Methods

  • Resource<T> loading([T? data]): Creates a loading state.
  • Resource<T> success(T data): Creates a success state.
  • Resource<T> failed(Object error): Creates a failed state.
  • Resource<T> empty(): Creates an empty state.


Generic implementation of the network-bound-resource algorithm in Dart.