
A customizable bottom navigation bar using simple animations and theme colors that comes with a couple of presets.

NaviBar example

Add dependency

  navi_bar_flutter: ^1.0.6 #latest version

How to use

Place a NaviBar as your bottomNavigationBar.

        bottomNavigationBar: NaviBar(
          type: NaviBarType.rounded,
          selectedIndex: _selectedIndex,
          items: items,
          onTap: (index) {
            setState(() {
              _selectedIndex = index;

'onTap': Function handling tap on items
'items': List of NaviBarItems
'selectedIndex': Index of NaviBar. Indicates the selected icon
'type': Select a type of NaviBar. Defaults to NaviBarType.basic
'backgroundColor': Background color of NaviBar. Defaults to null & NaviBar sets the theme background color
'selectedTabColor': Color for the selected tab. Defaults to null & NaviBar sets the theme scaffold background color
'unselectedTabColor' Color for unselected tabs. Defaults to null & NaviBar sets the theme background color
'selectedIconColor': Color for the selected icon. Defaults to null & NaviBar sets the theme background color
'unselectedIconColor': Color for unselected icons. Defaults to null & NaviBar sets the theme primary color
'selectedIconSize': The size of the selected icon. Defaults to 32
'unselectedIconSize': The size of unselected icons. Defaults to 24
'barHeight': The height of NaviBar. Defaults to 85
'barPadding': The padding of NaviBar. Default to EdgeInsets.all(0)
'borderRadius': The border radius of NaviBar. Defaults to BorderRadius.all(
'duration': The duration of the animation. Defaults to 250 milliseconds
'curve': The animation curve. Defaults to Curves.linear\

'icon': The icon to be displayed
'page': The page that appears when tab is selected
'label': The label that is displayed when tab is selected
'selectedBackgroundColor': Sets a custom background color when tab is selected
'unselectedBackgroundColor': Sets a custom background color when tab is not selected
'selectedIconColor': Sets a custom icon and label color when tab is selected
'unselectedIconColor': Sets a custom icon and label color when tab is not selected
'activeIcon': Changes the icon of the tab when selected\


navi_bar_flutter library