badgeAnimation property

BadgeAnimation? badgeAnimation

Contains all badge animation properties.

True to animate badge on badgeContent change. False to disable animation. Default value is true.

final bool toAnimate;

Duration of the badge animations when the badgeContent changes. The default value is Duration(milliseconds: 500).

final Duration animationDuration;

Duration of the badge appearance and disappearance fade animations. Fade animation is created with AnimatedOpacity.

Some of the BadgeAnimationType cannot be used for appearance and disappearance animation. E.g. BadgeAnimationType.scale can be used, but BadgeAnimationType.rotation cannot be used. That is why we need fade animation and duration for it when it comes to appearance and disappearance of these "non-disappearing" animations.

There is a thing: you need this duration to NOT be longer than animationDuration if you want to use the basic animation as appearance and disappearance animation.

Set this to zero to skip the badge appearance and disappearance animations The default value is Duration(milliseconds: 200).

final Duration disappearanceFadeAnimationDuration;

Type of the animation for badge The default value is BadgeAnimationType.slide.

final BadgeAnimationType animationType;

Make it true to have infinite animation False to have animation only when badgeContent is changed The default value is false

final bool loopAnimation;

Controls curve of the animation

final Curve curve;

Used only for SizeTransition animation The default value is Axis.horizontal

final Axis? sizeTransitionAxis;

Used only for SizeTransition animation The default value is 1.0

final double? sizeTransitionAxisAlignment;

Used only for SlideTransition animation The default value is

  begin: const Offset(-0.5, 0.9),
  end: const Offset(0.0, 0.0),
final SlideTween? slideTransitionPositionTween;

Used only for changing color animation. The default value is Curves.linear

final Curve colorChangeAnimationCurve;

Used only for changing color animation. The default value is, meaning that no animation will be applied to color change by default.

final Duration colorChangeAnimationDuration;

This one is interesting. Some animations use AnimatedOpacity to animate appearance and disappearance of the badge. E.x. how would you animate disappearance of BadgeAnimationType.rotation? We should use AnimatedOpacity for that. But sometimes you may need to disable this fade appearance/disappearance animation. You can do that by setting this to false. Using disappearanceFadeAnimationDuration: is not correct, this will remove the animation entirely

final bool appearanceDisappearanceFadeAnimationEnabled;


final BadgeAnimation? badgeAnimation;