M3NavbarDecoration constructor

  1. Color? backgroundColor,
  2. NavigationDestinationLabelBehavior labelBehavior = NavigationDestinationLabelBehavior.alwaysShow,
  3. Color? indicatorColor,
  4. TextStyle? labelTextStyle,
  5. double? elevation,
  6. double? height,
  7. IconThemeData? iconTheme,
  8. ShapeBorder? indicatorShape,
  9. bool? isExtended,


  /// The backgroundColor of the Navbar
  Color? backgroundColor,

  /// Defines whether to show/hide labels
  NavigationDestinationLabelBehavior labelBehavior =

  /// Color for the indicator shown around the seleccted item
  Color? indicatorColor,

  /// Textstyle of the labels
  TextStyle? labelTextStyle,

  /// The elevation shadown on the edges of bottomnavigationbar
  double? elevation,

  /// height of the navbar
  final double? height,

  /// iconTheme for the icons
  IconThemeData? iconTheme,
  ShapeBorder? indicatorShape,
  bool? isExtended,
}) : super(
          backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
          elevation: elevation,
          indicatorColor: indicatorColor,
          labelBehavior: labelBehavior,
          selectedLabelTextStyle: labelTextStyle,
          unselectedLabelTextStyle: labelTextStyle,
          indicatorShape: indicatorShape,
          selectedIconTheme: iconTheme,
          isExtended: isExtended ?? false,
          height: height ?? 80.0);