checkPathMatchesRoute method

bool checkPathMatchesRoute(
  1. String path,
  2. List<String> routes


bool checkPathMatchesRoute(String path, List<String> routes) {
  //bool allowSuffix(String value) => value.endsWith("/");
  // The first entry in the list of routes will determine whether it allowsSuffix or not.
  // We'll make a special exception or "/" as I cant think of a use case for it and it can cause a lot of confusion... TODO: revisit this decision after more use-case testing
  bool allowSuffix = routes[0].endsWith("/") && routes[0] != "/";
  for (var i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
    //print("checking: $basePath${routes[i]}");
    final regExp = pathToRegExp('$basePath${routes[i]}', prefix: allowSuffix, caseSensitive: widget.caseSensitive);
    if (regExp.hasMatch("$path")) return true;
  return false;