staticSymbolAt method

  1. @override
Symbol? staticSymbolAt(
  1. int address

Reverse lookup of the static symbol that contains the given virtual address. Returns null if no static symbol matching the address is found.


Symbol? staticSymbolAt(int address) {
  Symbol? bestSym;
  for (final section in namedSections('.symtab')) {
    final table = section as SymbolTable;
    for (final symbol in table.values) {
      final start = symbol.value;
      if (start > address) continue;
      // If given a non-zero extent of a symbol, make sure the address is
      // within the extent.
      if (symbol.size > 0 && (start + symbol.size <= address)) continue;
      // Pick the symbol with a start closest to the given address.
      if (bestSym == null || (bestSym.value < start)) {
        bestSym = symbol;
  return bestSym;