tryParseHeaderLine method

bool tryParseHeaderLine(
  1. String line

Try and parse the given line as one of the recognized lines in the header of a non-symbolic stack trace.

Returns whether the line was recognized and parsed successfully.


bool tryParseHeaderLine(String line) {
  if (line.contains(_headerStartLine)) {
    // This is the start of a new non-symbolic stack trace, so reset all the
    // stored information to be parsed anew.
    _os = null;
    _arch = null;
    _compressed = null;
    _simulated = null;
    _isolateStart = null;
    _vmStart = null;
    return true;
  RegExpMatch? match = _osArchLineRE.firstMatch(line);
  if (match != null) {
    _os = match[1]!;
    _arch = match[2]!;
    _compressed = match[3]! == "yes";
    _simulated = match[4]! == "yes";
    // The architecture line always proceeds the instructions section line,
    // so reset these to null just in case we missed the header line.
    _isolateStart = null;
    _vmStart = null;
    return true;
  match = _instructionsLineRE.firstMatch(line);
  if (match != null) {
    _isolateStart = int.parse(match[1]!, radix: 16);
    _vmStart = int.parse(match[2]!, radix: 16);
    return true;
  return false;