setMaxAdContentRating static method

Future<void> setMaxAdContentRating(
  1. int maxRating

Apps can set a maximum ad content rating for their ad requests using the setMaxAdContentRating method. AdMob ads returned when this is configured have a content rating at or below that level. The possible values for this network extra are based on digital content label classifications, and must be one of the following values: 0, 1, 2, 3

Max Rating Digital Content Label Google Play (Android) App Store (iOS)
0 G 3+ 4+
1 PG 7+ 9+
2 T 12+ 12+
3 MA 16+, 18+ 17+

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Basic usage:



static Future<void> setMaxAdContentRating(int maxRating) async {
    [RATING_G, RATING_PG, RATING_T, RATING_MA].contains(maxRating),
    'The provided int is not avaiable. Avaiable values: $RATING_G, $RATING_PG, $RATING_T, $RATING_MA',
  await _pluginChannel.invokeMethod('setMaxAdContentRating', {
    'maxRating': maxRating,