drawVoteHemicycleFromAppSupport method

Widget drawVoteHemicycleFromAppSupport({
  1. required ScrutinFromJson vote,
  2. Color? backgroundColor,
  3. List<DeputesFromCsv>? allDeputes,

Creates a widget with French National Assembly view defined by these parameters :

vote receives a ScrutinFromJson that needs to be displayed.

backgroundColor is used to fill the Drawing area with a plain background color


Widget drawVoteHemicycleFromAppSupport(
    {required ScrutinFromJson vote,
    Color? backgroundColor,
    List<DeputesFromCsv>? allDeputes}) {
  return drawVoteHemicycleFromPath(
      downloaded: vote,
      useGroupSector: true,
      hiliteFronde: false,
      backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
      allDeputes: allDeputes);