uuidTranslate property

String get uuidTranslate

Get the 'translation' of the Uuid into an understandable String

from : PRJLANR5L16BTC0144 / PRJLSNR5S359B0561 to : Proj. Loi Ass. Nat. Ve Répub. Légis. 16 Adopté Commission au fond 0144 Proj. Loi Sénat Ve Répub. Sess. 359 Non adopté 0561


String get uuidTranslate {
  String _toReturn = "";
  String _localUuid = this.uuid ?? "-";

  if (_localUuid.substring(0, 4) == "PRJL") {
    _toReturn += "Proj.Loi ";
    if (_localUuid.substring(4, 6) == "AN") {
      _toReturn += "(Ass.Nat. - ";
    } else if (_localUuid.substring(4, 6) == "SN") {
      _toReturn += "(Sénat - ";
    if (_localUuid.substring(6, 8) == "R5") {
      _toReturn += "Ve Rép. ";
    } else if (_localUuid.substring(6, 8) == "R6") {
      _toReturn += "VIe Rép. ";
    if (_localUuid.substring(8, 9) == "L") {
      _toReturn += "Légis." + _localUuid.substring(9, 11) + ") • ";
      if (_localUuid.substring(11, 14) == "BTA") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ " + _localUuid.substring(14);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(11, 14) == "BTS") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ Séance " + _localUuid.substring(14);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(11, 14) == "BTC") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ Commission au fond " + _localUuid.substring(14);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(11, 14) == "BTG") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ en Congrès " + _localUuid.substring(14);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(11, 12) == "B") {
        _toReturn += "-NON- ADOPTÉ " + _localUuid.substring(12);
    } else if (_localUuid.substring(8, 9) == "S") {
      _toReturn += "Sess." + _localUuid.substring(9, 12) + ") • ";
      if (_localUuid.substring(12, 15) == "BTA") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ " + _localUuid.substring(15);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(12, 15) == "BTS") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ Séance " + _localUuid.substring(15);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(12, 15) == "BTC") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ Commission au fond " + _localUuid.substring(15);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(12, 15) == "BTG") {
        _toReturn += "ADOPTÉ en Congrès " + _localUuid.substring(15);
      } else if (_localUuid.substring(12, 13) == "B") {
        _toReturn += "-NON- ADOPTÉ " + _localUuid.substring(13);
  if (_toReturn == "") {
    return _localUuid;
  } else {
    return _toReturn;