dateFormatter function

DateTime dateFormatter(
  1. String dateString, {
  2. String dateSeparator = "/",
  3. String hourSeparator = ":",
  4. bool noHour = false,
  5. String format = "DMY",

Convert a String dateString to DateTime

• You can specify the dateSeparator, by default = "/"...

• You can specify the hourSeparator, by default = ":"...

• You can tell if the String contains only the date by putting "true" to noHour, by default = "false"...

• You can tell the String pattern in format, by default = "DMY"...


DateTime dateFormatter(String dateString,
    {String dateSeparator = "/",
    String hourSeparator = ":",
    bool noHour = false,
    String format = "DMY"}) {
  // print("dateString = " + dateString);
  DateTime _toReturn =;

  int dayIndex = 0;
  int monthIndex = 1;
  int yearIndex = 2;

  for (var $i = 0; $i < format.length; $i++) {
    if (format[$i] == "D") {
      dayIndex = $i;
    } else if (format[$i] == "M") {
      monthIndex = $i;
    } else if (format[$i] == "Y") {
      yearIndex = $i;

  String _theDate = dateString.split(" ")[0];
  int _theDay = int.parse(_theDate.split(dateSeparator)[dayIndex]);
  int _theMonth = int.parse(_theDate.split(dateSeparator)[monthIndex]);
  int _theYear = int.parse(_theDate.split(dateSeparator)[yearIndex]);
  /*print("&&_" +
      _theDay.toString() +
      "_&&_" +
      _theMonth.toString() +
      "_&&_" +
      _theYear.toString() +

  int _theHour = 0;
  int _theMinute = 0;

  if ((dateString.split(" ").length > 1) && (noHour == false)) {
    String _theTime = dateString.split(" ")[1];
    if (_theTime == "@") {
      _theTime = dateString.split(" ")[2];
      // print("_theTime => CHANGED <= ");
    // print("_theTime => " + _theTime + " <= " + hourSeparator);
    if (_theTime != "@") {
      _theHour = int.parse(_theTime.split(hourSeparator)[0]);
      _theMinute = int.parse(_theTime.split(hourSeparator)[1]);
  // print("##_" + _theHour.toString() + "_##_" + _theMinute.toString() + "_##");

  _toReturn = DateTime(_theYear, _theMonth, _theDay, _theHour, _theMinute);

  // print("%%_" + _toReturn.toString() + "_%%");
  return _toReturn;