A Flutter package allows you to easily implement the payment gateway integration.
Add dependency to pubspec.yaml Get the latest version in the 'Installing' tab on
dependencies: nano_payment_gateway: 0.1.0
Import the package
import 'package:nano_payment_gateway/nano_payment_gateway.dart';
Adding PaymentWidget
- With required parameters
PaymentWidget( requestBody: requestBody, onTapConfirmAfterOTP: onTapConfirmAfterOTP, );
- With optional parameters
PaymentWidget( requestBody: requestBody, onTapConfirmAfterOTP: onTapConfirmAfterOTP, showAddress: true, );
- requestBody should pass in Map<String,dynamic> format.It should like
Map<String, dynamic> requestBody = { "merchantId": "$merchantId", "merchantName": "$merchantName", "currencyCode": "$currencyCode", "amount": "$price", "merchantPublicKey":"$merchantPublicKey" "orderId": "$orderId", "cartId": "$cartId", "billingAddress": jsonEncode(billingAddress), "shippingAddress": jsonEncode(shippingAddress), "customerId": "$customerId", };
Sample JSON is
requestBody = { "merchantId": "1", "merchantName": "EzKart ECOM Provider", "currencyCode": "AED", "amount": "1000", "merchantPublicKey": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC5whV5aZ1mPiohGkE7GT2dYpr0iAW6STLbrE2yuT4DPAFRpXgeLJEPCGr2jakHlzEujzX+mr9ZHdY9ukp0ebyWBibWGPpqyVuSqGOx4BAukviltqPCmA+DGffxRcDh7cl+5HPwFCryiD7zKo1BOHCLLZFpck1ClgWETXIqbu8YEQIDAQAB", "orderId": "Y665JG", "cartId": "2", "billingAddress": jsonEncode(billingAddress), "shippingAddress": jsonEncode(shippingAddress), "customerId": "0000000000001", };
- billingAddress sample is
Map<String, dynamic> billingAddress = { "billingName": "$billingName", "billingZip": "$billingZip", "billingState": "$billingZip", "billingCountry": "$billingCountry", "billingTel": "$billingTel", "billingEmail": "$billingEmail", "billingCity": "$billingCity", "billingAddress": "$billingAddress" };
- shippingAddress sample is
Map<String, dynamic> shippingAddress = { "deliveryName": "$deliveryName", "deliveryState": "$deliveryState", "deliveryCountry": "$deliveryCountry", "deliveryTel": "$deliveryTel", "deliveryZip": "$deliveryZip", "deliveryCity": "$deliveryCity", "deliveryAddress": "$deliveryAddress" };
- With required parameters
- onTapConfirmAfterOTP method can pass from users for customized action after entering OTP
- showAddress parameter is used for showing UI having address fields.Users can update their address from here also if they want to update the given address
Additional Information
The nano_payment_gateway package is using flutter_dotenv pacakge for retrieving API key from application's .env file.Application should contain .env file with APIKEY.sample APIKEY is
How to use
Check out the example app in the example directory or the 'Example' tab on for a more complete example.
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.