authenticateDevice method

  1. @override
Future<Session> authenticateDevice({
  1. required String deviceId,
  2. bool create = true,
  3. String? username,
  4. Map<String, String>? vars,

Device authentication

Nakama Device Authentication uses the physical device’s unique identifier to easily authenticate a user and create an account if one does not exist.

When using only device authentication, you don’t need a login UI as the player can automatically authenticate when the game launches.


Future<model.Session> authenticateDevice({
  required String deviceId,
  bool create = true,
  String? username,
  Map<String, String>? vars,
}) async {
  final res = await _api.v2AccountAuthenticateDevicePost(
    body: ApiAccountDevice(id: deviceId, vars: vars),
    create: create,
    username: username,

  if (res.body == null) {
    throw Exception('Authentication failed.');

  final data = res.body!;

  return model.Session.fromApi(data);