listChannelMessages method

  1. @override
Future<ChannelMessageList> listChannelMessages({
  1. required Session session,
  2. required String channelId,
  3. int limit = 20,
  4. bool? forward,
  5. String? cursor,

#Listing message history

Message listing takes a parameter which indicates if messages are received from oldest to newest (forward) or newest to oldest.


Future<model.ChannelMessageList> listChannelMessages({
  required model.Session session,
  required String channelId,
  int limit = 20,
  bool? forward,
  String? cursor,
}) async {
  assert(limit > 0 && limit <= 100);

  final res = await _client.listChannelMessages(
      channelId: channelId,
      limit: api.Int32Value(value: limit),
      forward: api.BoolValue(value: forward),
      cursor: cursor,
    options: _getSessionCallOptions(session),

  return model.ChannelMessageList.fromDto(res);