ChannelMessageAck constructor

const ChannelMessageAck({
  1. required String channelId,
  2. required String messageId,
  3. required int code,
  4. required String username,
  5. required DateTime created,
  6. required DateTime updated,
  7. required bool persistent,
  8. required String roomName,
  9. required String groupId,
  10. required String userIdOne,
  11. required String userIdTwo,

A receipt reply from a channel message send operation.


const factory ChannelMessageAck({
  /// The channel the message was sent to.
  required String channelId,

  /// The unique ID assigned to the message.
  required String messageId,

  /// The code representing a message type or category.
  required int code,

  /// Username of the message sender.
  required String username,

  /// The UNIX time when the message was created.
  required DateTime created,

  /// The UNIX time when the message was last updated.
  required DateTime updated,

  /// True if the message was persisted to the channel's history, false otherwise.
  required bool persistent,

  /// The name of the chat room, or an empty string if this message was not sent through a chat room.
  required String roomName,

  /// The ID of the group, or an empty string if this message was not sent through a group channel.
  required String groupId,

  /// The ID of the first DM user, or an empty string if this message was not sent through a DM chat.
  required String userIdOne,

  /// The ID of the second DM user, or an empty string if this message was not sent through a DM chat.
  required String userIdTwo,
}) = _ChannelMessageAck;