readStorageObject method

  1. @override
Future<StorageObject?> readStorageObject({
  1. required Session session,
  2. String? collection,
  3. String? key,
  4. String? userId,

Reading storage objects

Define a class that describes the storage object and create a new storage object id with the collection name, key and user id. Finally, read the storage objects and parse the JSON data:


Future<model.StorageObject?> readStorageObject({
  required model.Session session,
  String? collection,
  String? key,
  String? userId,
}) async {
  _session = session;

  final res = await _api.v2StoragePost(
    body: ApiReadStorageObjectsRequest(
      objectIds: [
          collection: collection,
          key: key,
          userId: userId,

  return res.body?.objects?.isEmpty != false
      ? null
      : model.StorageObject.fromJson(res.body!.objects!.first.toJson());