setFromAsset method

Future<void> setFromAsset({
  1. required String path,
  2. int? maxSize,
  3. dynamic onAdd()?,


Future<void> setFromAsset({
  required final String path,
  final int? maxSize,
  final Function()? onAdd
}) async {
  if (path.isEmpty) throw Exception("path cant be empty");
  if (_urlPattern.hasMatch(path)) throw Exception("A URL can't be an asset");

  await rootBundle.load(path)
  .then((data) async {
    final extension = path.split('.').last.split('?').first;
    await PlatformTools().write(
      name      : '${}${Random().nextInt(10000)}-${path.split('/').last.split('.').first}',
      extension : extension,
      bytes     : data.buffer.asUint8List(),
      maxSize   : maxSize
    ).then((_f) {
      _file       = _f;
      _bytes      = _f.bytes;
      _error      = false;
      _hasImage   = true;
      _extension  = extension;
    }).onError((error, stackTrace) => _reset(error: true));
  .onError((error, stackTrace) => _reset(error: true));