
Connect luxand made easy.

Face enrollment

    licenseKey: Env.luxandLicenseKey,
    onFinish: (templates) { templates));
Parameter Name Description Default value
licenseKey Luxand license key None
imageStreamMilliSecond Capture image every this value and send image to luxand 100 ms
templateCount Total template for this enrollment 3
topMessage Display message that show on top of face rectangle 'Please touch screen'

Active liveness detection

    licenseKey: Env.luxandLicenseKey,
    onFinish: (success, template) {},
Parameter Name Description Default value
licenseKey Luxand license key None
imageStreamMilliSecond Capture image every this value and send image to luxand 200 ms
failAcceptableInSecond Widget will finish and return false if luxand cannot detect face in picture in 1 / imageStreamInMillisecond / 1000 x failAcceptableInSecond 3 s

Matching face template

:warning: this widget can match template but not yet send data to user (in development).

    licenseKey: Env.luxandLicenseKey,
    templates: con.templates,
    onFinish: (success, template) {},