AlignmentAddonConfig constructor

const AlignmentAddonConfig(
  1. String alignmentName

Can only be one of the predefined values:

  • 'Top Left'
  • 'Top Center'
  • 'Top Right'
  • 'Center Left'
  • 'Center'
  • 'Center Right'
  • 'Bottom Left'
  • 'Bottom Center'
  • 'Bottom Right'


const AlignmentAddonConfig(
  String alignmentName,
)   : assert(
        // Since we can only use constant values, that means we cannot use
        // an enum or the [Alignment] class from Flutter. We have to use
        // strings instead, and we have to make sure that the string is
        // one of the predefined values.
        alignmentName == 'Top Left' ||
            alignmentName == 'Top Center' ||
            alignmentName == 'Top Right' ||
            alignmentName == 'Center Left' ||
            alignmentName == 'Center' ||
            alignmentName == 'Center Right' ||
            alignmentName == 'Bottom Left' ||
            alignmentName == 'Bottom Center' ||
            alignmentName == 'Bottom Right',