yamlMapToJsonMap function

Map<String, dynamic> yamlMapToJsonMap(
  1. YamlMap map, {
  2. Set<ToJsonObjectConverter> converters = const {},

Recursively converts map to a new map of type Map<String, dynamic>.

converters may be used to convert some specific objects to json representable objects. The first converter in the set that has a match with the type of the current value, as per ToJsonObjectConverter.isType will be used to convert the current value. There should only be one converter for each object type.


Map<String, dynamic> yamlMapToJsonMap(
  YamlMap map, {
  Set<ToJsonObjectConverter<dynamic>> converters = const {},
}) {
  final newMap = <String, dynamic>{};

  for (final MapEntry(key: k, value: v) in map.entries) {
    if (k is! String)
      throw FormatException(
        "Each key in the YamlMap must be of type String, but there is one "
        "of type '${k.runtimeType}'.",

    newMap[k] = _switchValue(v, converters);

  return newMap;