TDRadioGroup constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. Widget? child,
  3. Axis? direction,
  4. List<TDRadio>? directionalTdRadios,
  5. String? selectId,
  6. bool? passThrough,
  7. bool cardMode = false,
  8. bool strictMode = true,
  9. TDRadioStyle? radioCheckStyle,
  10. int? titleMaxLine,
  11. IconBuilder? customIconBuilder,
  12. ContentBuilder? customContentBuilder,
  13. double? spacing,
  14. TDContentDirection? contentDirection,
  15. OnRadioGroupChange? onRadioGroupChange,


  Key? key,
  Widget? child, // 使用child 则请勿设置direction
  Axis? direction, // direction 对 directionalTdRadios 起作用
  List<TDRadio>? directionalTdRadios,
  String? selectId, // 默认选择项的id
  bool? passThrough, // 非通栏单选样式 用于使用child 或 direction == Axis.vertical 场景
  bool cardMode = false,
  this.strictMode = true,
  int? titleMaxLine, // item的行数
  IconBuilder? customIconBuilder,
  ContentBuilder? customContentBuilder,
  double? spacing, // icon和文字距离
  TDContentDirection? contentDirection,
  OnRadioGroupChange? onRadioGroupChange, // 切换监听
})  : assert(() {
        // 使用direction属性则必须配合directionalTdRadios,child字段无效
        if (direction != null && directionalTdRadios == null) {
          throw FlutterError(
              '[TDRadioGroup] direction and directionalTdRadios must set at the same time');
        // 未使用direction则必须设置child
        if (direction == null && child == null) {
          throw FlutterError(
              '[TDRadioGroup] direction means use child as the exact one, but child is null');
        // 横向单选框 每个选项有字数限制
        if (direction == Axis.horizontal && directionalTdRadios != null) {
          directionalTdRadios.forEach((element) {
            if (element.subTitle != null) {
              throw FlutterError(
                  'horizontal radios style should not have subTilte, '
                  'because there left no room for it');
          var maxWordCount = 2;
          var tips =
              '[TDRadioGroup] radio title please not exceed $maxWordCount words.\n'
              '2tabs: 7words maximum\n'
              '3tabs: 4words maximum\n'
              '4tabs: 2words maximum';
          if (directionalTdRadios.length == 2) {
            maxWordCount = 7;
          if (directionalTdRadios.length == 3) {
            maxWordCount = 4;
          if (directionalTdRadios.length == 4) {
            maxWordCount = 2;
          directionalTdRadios.forEach((radio) {
            if ((radio.title?.length ?? 0) > maxWordCount) {
              throw FlutterError(tips);
        // 卡片模式要求每个TDRadio必须设置cardMode属性为true,且不能有子标题(空间不够)
        if (cardMode == true) {
          assert(direction != null && directionalTdRadios != null);
          directionalTdRadios!.forEach((element) {
            // if use cardMode at TDRadioGroup, then every TDRadio should
            // set it's own carMode to true.
            if (element.cardMode == false) {
              throw FlutterError(
                  'if use cardMode at TDRadioGroup, then every '
                  'TDRadio should set it\'s own carMode to true.');
            if (element.subTitle != null && direction == Axis.horizontal) {
              throw FlutterError(
                  'horizontal card style should not have subTilte, '
                  'because there left no room for it');
        return true;
        child: Container(
          clipBehavior: (passThrough ?? false) && direction != Axis.horizontal
              ? Clip.hardEdge
              : Clip.none,
          decoration: (passThrough ?? false) && direction != Axis.horizontal
              ? BoxDecoration(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10))
              : null,
          margin: (passThrough ?? false) && direction != Axis.horizontal
              ? const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16)
              : null,
          child: direction == null
              ? child!
              : (direction == Axis.vertical
                  ? ListView.separated(
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
                      shrinkWrap: true,
                      physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
                      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                        return Container(
                          margin: cardMode
                              ? const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16)
                              : null,
                          height: cardMode ? 82 : null,
                          child: directionalTdRadios![index],
                      itemCount: directionalTdRadios!.length,
                      separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                        if (cardMode) {
                          return const SizedBox(
                            height: 12,
                        return const SizedBox.shrink();
                  : Container(
                      margin: cardMode
                          ? const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16)
                          : null,
                      height: cardMode ? 56 : null,
                      alignment: cardMode ? Alignment.topLeft : null,
                      child: cardMode
                          ? Row(
                              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                              children: directionalTdRadios!
                                      0, directionalTdRadios.length * 2 - 1),
                          : Column(
                              children: [
                                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                                  children: directionalTdRadios!
                                      .map((e) => Expanded(child: e))
                                const TDDivider(
                                  margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 16),
        key: key,
        onChangeGroup: (ids) {
          onRadioGroupChange?.call(ids.isNotEmpty ? ids[0] : null);
        controller: null,
        checkedIds: selectId != null ? [selectId] : null,
        maxChecked: 1,
        titleMaxLine: titleMaxLine,
        contentDirection: contentDirection,
        customIconBuilder: customIconBuilder,
        customContentBuilder: customContentBuilder,
        style: null,
        spacing: spacing,