myPrint function

dynamic myPrint({
  1. required String screen,
  2. required dynamic data,
  3. String? type,

Example: myPrint( screen: "LoginScreen", // required, String, ScreenName data: "Variable or anything", // required, dynamic type: "LoginButtonPress", // optional, String, type );

Description: Use myPrint() function to print anything in the console. Parameters: 1. screen: String, ScreenName This is the Screen name like if you are in Home Screen then write HomeScreen. 2. data: dynamic, Variable or anything This is the data you want to print in the console. Like variable or something else you want to check ( which is used in normal print function ). 3. type: String, type This is the type of data you are printing. Like if you are printing a variable then write Variable or if you are printing a button press then write ButtonPress.

This will Print: DEBUG PRINT HomeScreenContainer Tap Check Container Button Pressed


  required String screen,
  required data,
  String? type,
}) {
  /// Example:
  ///     myPrint(
  ///       screen: "LoginScreen", // required, String, ScreenName
  ///       data: "Variable or anything", // required, dynamic
  ///       type: "LoginButtonPress", // optional, String, type
  ///     );
  ///  Description:
  ///    Use myPrint() function to print anything in the console.
  ///    Parameters:
  ///      1. screen: String, ScreenName
  ///               This is the Screen name like if you are in Home Screen then write HomeScreen.
  ///      2. data: dynamic, Variable or anything
  ///               This is the data you want to print in the console. Like variable or something else you want to check ( which is used in normal print function ).
  ///      3. type: String, type
  ///               This is the type of data you are printing. Like if you are printing a variable then write Variable or if you are printing a button press then write ButtonPress.
  ///  This will Print:
  ///      [ DEBUG PRINT ] [ HomeScreenContainer ] [ Tap Check ] Container Button Pressed
    " [ DEBUG PRINT ] [ $screen ] ${type == null ? "" : " [ $type ] "} $data",