MVVM CLI Tool, a command-line utility designed to streamline the creation of MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) projects. This tool automates the initial setup of your MVVM architecture, making it easier and faster to get started with your development process.
Features & Usage
- Create New Projects: Generate a complete MVVM project.
- Git Initial Commits(optional): Initial commits in created project.
Use mvvm create
- Analyze .arb files: Analyze arb files for usage in dart code, and delete not necessary arb keys.
Use mvvm analyze --arb
- Generate Colors & TextStyles: Generate colors from
files and TextStylesfrom text_style_const.dart
Use mvvm generate
or specify the --colors
or --textStyle
to generate only one type: mvvm generate --colors
To install the MVVM CLI tool, run:
dart pub global activate mvvm_cli_nerdzlab
Once the tool is activated, you need to add the .pub-cache/bin
directory to your system's PATH to ensure that you can run the mvvm
commands from any location in your terminal. This can be done by adding the following line to your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .zshrc, or .bash_profile):
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
To verify that the installation was successful and the PATH is correctly set, run:
- cli
- core/constants/exit_code
- core/constants/file_constants
- core/constants/identifiers
- core/constants/parser_constants
- core/constants/pbxproj_constants
- core/constants/theme_constants
- core/data/color_xml
- core/data/l10n_yaml
- core/utils/analyzer_util
- core/utils/arg_parser_builder
- core/utils/extensions
- core/utils/file_util
- core/utils/process_util
- core/utils/validator_util