AppStateMVC<T extends AppStatefulWidgetMVC> constructor

AppStateMVC<T extends AppStatefulWidgetMVC>({
  1. ControllerMVC? controller,
  2. List<ControllerMVC>? controllers,
  3. Object? object,

Optionally supply as many State Controllers as you like to work with this App. Optionally supply a 'data object' to to be accessible to the App's InheritedWidget.


  ControllerMVC? controller,
  List<ControllerMVC>? controllers,
  Object? object,
}) : super(
        inheritedBuilder: (child) => _AppInheritedWidget(
          child: child,
        controller: controller,
      ) {
  //Record this as the 'root' State object.
  _dataObj = object;