AppMVC constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. Widget? loadingScreen,
  3. FlutterExceptionHandler? errorHandler,
  4. ErrorWidgetBuilder? errorScreen,
  5. ReportErrorHandler? errorReport,
  6. bool allowNewHandlers = true,

The entrypoint of the framework passed to runApp() This is a StatelessWidget where you can define the loading screen or the App's error handling.


  Key? key,
  Widget? loadingScreen,
  FlutterExceptionHandler? errorHandler,
  ErrorWidgetBuilder? errorScreen,
  v.ReportErrorHandler? errorReport,
  bool allowNewHandlers = true,
}) : super(
        key: key,
        loadingScreen: loadingScreen,
        errorHandler: errorHandler,
        errorScreen: errorScreen,
        errorReport: errorReport,
        allowNewHandlers: allowNewHandlers,