ScheduleNotifications class
The Notification feature for the phone.
- Mixed-in types
- channelId, String channelName, String channelDescription, {String? appIcon, TZDateTime? schedule, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List<
int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, RepeatInterval? repeatInterval, Day? day, SelectNotificationCallback? onSelectNotification, bool? requestAlertPermission, bool? requestSoundPermission, bool? requestBadgePermission, bool? defaultPresentAlert, bool? defaultPresentSound, bool? defaultPresentBadge, DidReceiveLocalNotificationCallback? onDidReceiveLocalNotification, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) - Pass in all the possible settings for your App's Notificatoin feature.
- channelDescription → String
The channel's description.
Required for Android 8.0+.
- channelId → String
The channel's id.
Required for Android 8.0+.
- channelName → String
The channel's name.
Required for Android 8.0+.
- errorMsg → String
Simply display the error.
no setterinherited
- hasError → bool
Indicate if the app is 'in error.'
no setterinherited
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- inError → bool
Indicate if app is 'in error.'
no setterinherited
- initialized → bool?
A flag indicating Notification's is properly initialized.
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
int? id, {String? tag}) → Future< void> - Cancel a specific notification.
) → Future< void> - Cancel all Notifications.
) → void - Supply a consistent API requiring the user to implement the dispose() function.
[dynamic error]) → Exception? -
Return the 'last' error if any.
) → Future< NotificationAppLaunchDetails?> - Returns info on if a notification created from this plugin had been used to launch the application.
{String? appIcon, DateTime? schedule, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, RepeatInterval? repeatInterval, Day? day, Time? notificationTime, SelectNotificationCallback? onSelectNotification, bool? requestAlertPermission, bool? requestSoundPermission, bool? requestBadgePermission, bool? defaultPresentAlert, bool? defaultPresentSound, bool? defaultPresentBadge, DidReceiveLocalNotificationCallback? onDidReceiveLocalNotification, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → Future<bool?> - Initialize the App's Notification system.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Future< List< PendingNotificationRequest> > - Returns a list of notifications pending to be delivered/shown.
RepeatInterval? repeatInterval, {int? id, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, List<MacOSNotificationAttachment> ? macAttachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → int - Show a Notification periodically.
{bool alert = true, bool badge = true, bool sound = true}) → Future< bool> - Returns the underlying platform-specific implementation of given generic type T, which must be a concrete subclass of FlutterLocalNotificationsPlatform.
TZDateTime? schedule, {int? id, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, UILocalNotificationDateInterpretation? uiLocalNotificationDateInterpretation, DateTimeComponents? matchDateTimeComponents, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, List<MacOSNotificationAttachment> ? macAttachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → int - To display a scheduled Notification.
{int? id, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, List<MacOSNotificationAttachment> ? macAttachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → int - Show the Notification.
TZDateTime? schedule, {int? id, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, UILocalNotificationDateInterpretation? uiLocalNotificationDateInterpretation, DateTimeComponents? matchDateTimeComponents, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, List<MacOSNotificationAttachment> ? macAttachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → int - Show a Notification daily at a specific time.
Day? day, TZDateTime? schedule, {int? id, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, NotificationDetails? notificationDetails, UILocalNotificationDateInterpretation? uiLocalNotificationDateInterpretation, DateTimeComponents? matchDateTimeComponents, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, List<MacOSNotificationAttachment> ? macAttachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → int - Show a Notifications weekly on a specific day and time.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
TZDateTime? schedule, {int? id, String? title, String? body, String? payload, bool? androidAllowWhileIdle, UILocalNotificationDateInterpretation? uiLocalNotificationDateInterpretation, DateTimeComponents? matchDateTimeComponents, String? icon, Importance? importance, Priority? priority, StyleInformation? styleInformation, bool? playSound, AndroidNotificationSound? sound, bool? enableVibration, List< int> ? vibrationPattern, String? groupKey, bool? setAsGroupSummary, GroupAlertBehavior? groupAlertBehavior, bool? autoCancel, bool? ongoing, Color? color, AndroidBitmap<Object> ? largeIcon, bool? onlyAlertOnce, bool? showWhen, int? when, bool? usesChronometer, bool? channelShowBadge, bool? showProgress, int? maxProgress, int? progress, bool? indeterminate, AndroidNotificationChannelAction? channelAction, bool? enableLights, Color? ledColor, int? ledOnMs, int? ledOffMs, String? ticker, NotificationVisibility? visibility, int? timeoutAfter, String? category, bool? fullScreenIntent, String? shortcutId, Int32List? additionalFlags, String? subText, String? tag, bool? presentAlert, bool? presentSound, bool? presentBadge, String? soundFile, int? badgeNumber, List<IOSNotificationAttachment> ? attachments, List<MacOSNotificationAttachment> ? macAttachments, String? subtitle, String? threadIdentifier}) → int - Displays a scheduled Notification.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.