This is a dart/flutter API client for the Polymorph Musketeer API.
Getting Started
Initialize the client with the Musketeer base URL and your API key and secret.
Musketeer.init("", "CLIENT KEY", "api-key-guid");
Query/Filter Instances
final data =
await InstanceQuery(8220)
.filter('Name', 'John')
.filter('Surname', 'Smith')
or with a Parent ID
final data =
await InstanceQuery(8220)
.filter('Name', 'John')
.filter('Surname', 'Smith')
Fetching Instances
var fllId = 8220;
var client = InstanceClient(fllId);
var instances = await client.get();
Posting Instances
var fllId = 8220;
var client = InstanceClient(fllId);
var instance = Instance(fllId: fllId, id: 0, parentId: 0, fields: {"Title": "Test title"});
User Login
final client = AuthClient();
final user = await client.login('UserName', 'Password');
Function Login
final client = FunctionAuthClient(11079, "Username");
final user = await client.login('FunctionUser', 'Password');
Get Fll Data for user community
final expenses = await InstanceQuery(["Clients"]["Expenses"].id).get();
expect(expenses.isNotEmpty, true);