chordKindAbbreviations top-level constant

Map<String, String> const chordKindAbbreviations

The below dictionary maps chord kinds to an abbreviated string as would appear in a chord symbol in a standard lead sheet. There are often multiple standard abbreviations for the same chord type, e.g. "+" and "aug" both refer to an augmented chord, and "maj7", "M7", and a Delta character all refer to a major-seventh chord; this dictionary attempts to be consistent but the choice of abbreviation is somewhat arbitrary.

The MusicXML-defined chord kinds are listed here:


const chordKindAbbreviations = <String, String>{
// These chord kinds are in the MusicXML spec.
  'major': '',
  'minor': 'm',
  'augmented': 'aug',
  'diminished': 'dim',
  'dominant': '7',
  'major-seventh': 'maj7',
  'minor-seventh': 'm7',
  'diminished-seventh': 'dim7',
  'augmented-seventh': 'aug7',
  'half-diminished': 'm7b5',
  'major-minor': 'm(maj7)',
  'major-sixth': '6',
  'minor-sixth': 'm6',
  'dominant-ninth': '9',
  'major-ninth': 'maj9',
  'minor-ninth': 'm9',
  'dominant-11th': '11',
  'major-11th': 'maj11',
  'minor-11th': 'm11',
  'dominant-13th': '13',
  'major-13th': 'maj13',
  'minor-13th': 'm13',
  'suspended-second': 'sus2',
  'suspended-fourth': 'sus',
  'pedal': 'ped',
  'power': '5',
  'none': 'N.C.',

// These are not in the spec, but show up frequently in the wild.
  'dominant-seventh': '7',
  'augmented-ninth': 'aug9',
  'minor-major': 'm(maj7)',

// Some abbreviated kinds also show up frequently in the wild.
  '': '',
  'min': 'm',
  'aug': 'aug',
  'dim': 'dim',
  '7': '7',
  'maj7': 'maj7',
  'min7': 'm7',
  'dim7': 'dim7',
  'm7b5': 'm7b5',
  'minMaj7': 'm(maj7)',
  '6': '6',
  'min6': 'm6',
  'maj69': '6(add9)',
  '9': '9',
  'maj9': 'maj9',
  'min9': 'm9',
  'sus47': 'sus7'