sdk: ">=2.17.6 <3.0.0"
Pie charts can be animated for 100% or more.
The bar graph is a graph that overlaps at the specified position.
Memory usage
Getting started
Set the value in Dataclass.
circleSetProgress = MultipleCircleSetProgress(circle: c);
late CircleDataItem c = CircleDataItem(
/// circleForwardFlg is forward or reverse.
circleForwardFlg: true,
/// CircleShader is an end type circle None has no knob.
circleShader: CircleShader.circleNone,
/// ComplementCircle is the tuning when the circle is changed to large or small.
complementCircle: 0.05,
/// circleSizeValue.
circleSizeValue: _circleSize,
/// circleStrokeWidth is the thickness of the circle.
circleStrokeWidth: 30.0,
/// circleShadowValue is The shadow range value
circleShadowValue: 0.01,
/// circleDuration is circle animation speed
circleDuration: _speedValue.toInt(),
/// circleColor is the color of the knob.
circleColor: Colors.green,
/// circleColor is the shadow color of the knob.
circleShadowColor: Colors.black,
/// circleRoundColor is The base color of circleRoundColor.
circleRoundColor: Colors.grey,
/// circleController is CircleProgressController.
circleController: controller,
/// circleColorList is Determines the gradient color.
circleColorList: setColor);
In the double array, the last element and the next element first have the same color and become a gradation.
final List<List<Color>> setColor = [
[Colors.white, Colors.blue],
[Colors.blue, Colors.orange],
[Colors.orange, Colors.yellow],
[Colors.yellow, Colors.purple],
[Colors.purple, Colors.lime],
[Colors.lime, Colors.limeAccent],
[Colors.limeAccent, Colors.pink],
[Colors.pink, Colors.brown],
[Colors.brown, Colors.white],
[Colors.white, Colors.green],
[Colors.green, Colors.deepOrangeAccent],
[Colors.deepOrangeAccent, Colors.lightBlueAccent],
Think the set value to the controller of CircleProgressControllerClass.
final CircleProgressController controller = CircleProgressController();
/// Set the animation value, speed, forward direction, and reverse direction in the library.
OutlinedButton setButton(
bool forwardFlg, double counterValue, double circleLabelValue) {
return OutlinedButton(
onPressed: () {
c.circleForwardFlg = forwardFlg;
c.circleCounterValue = counterValue;
c.circleLabelSpeedValue = circleLabelValue;
c.circleLabelValue = circleLabelValue;
.setProgress([c.circleCounterValue ?? 0, c.circleLabelValue ?? 0]);
child: const Icon(Icons.play_circle),