requestThumbnail static method

Future<bool?> requestThumbnail(
  1. String? identifier,
  2. int width,
  3. int height,
  4. int quality,

Requests a thumbnail with width, height and quality for a given identifier.

This method is used by the asset class, you should not invoke it manually. For more info refer to Asset class docs.

The actual image data is sent via BinaryChannel.


static Future<bool?> requestThumbnail(
    String? identifier, int width, int height, int quality) async {
  if (width < 0) {
    throw new ArgumentError.value(width, 'width cannot be negative');

  if (height < 0) {
    throw new ArgumentError.value(height, 'height cannot be negative');

  if (quality < 0 || quality > 100) {
    throw new ArgumentError.value(
        quality, 'quality should be in range 0-100');

  try {
    bool? ret = await _channel.invokeMethod(
        "requestThumbnail", <String, dynamic>{
      "identifier": identifier,
      "width": width,
      "height": height,
      "quality": quality
    return ret;
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    switch (e.code) {
      case "ASSET_DOES_NOT_EXIST":
        throw AssetNotFoundException(e.message!);
        throw PermissionDeniedException(e.message!);
        throw PermissionPermanentlyDeniedExeption(e.message!);
        throw e;