functions/functions library


addAround<V>(List<V> list, Generator<V> generator) List<V>
Returns new list with items generated around list
addBetween<V>(List<V> list, Generator<V> generate) List<V>
Returns new list with items generated between list.
containsAll<E>(Iterable<E> listA, Iterable<E> listB) bool
Check if all elements in the listB is contains in the listA
containsAny<E>(Iterable<E> listA, Iterable<E> listB) bool
Check if any elements in the listB is contains in the listA
containsAtLeast<E>(Iterable<E> listA, Iterable<E> listB, int atLeast) bool
Check if atLeast elements in the listB is contains in the listA
containsHits<E>(Iterable<E> listA, Iterable<E> listB) int
Count of items that hit both lists
diff<V>(Iterable<V> listA, Iterable<V> listB) List<V>
Elements that you have in listA and do not have in listB.
firstOrNull<V>(Iterable<V> list) → V?
Returns first element in array, if it's empty returns null.
firstWhereOrAdd<V>(List<V> list, bool test(V element), OrAdd<V> orAdd) → V
Returns the first element that satisfies the test if there isn't one add a new one and return it.
firstWhereOrNull<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, bool test(T element)) → T?
flat<V>(Iterable<V> list) List<V>
Flatting a list that has other lists inside other lists inside other lists ... recursive
forEachAsync<V>(Iterable<V> source, Future<void> forEach(V elemente), [int parallels = 1]) Future<void>
Iterable elements of source with support async function and runs it's in parallels
groupBySize<V>(Iterable<V> source, int sizeEachList) Iterable<Iterable<V>>
Groups the items from the list source into sub-lists of the size given in sizeEachList
intersection<V>(Iterable<V> listA, Iterable<V> listB) Iterable<V>
Common elements between listA and listB
isFirst<V>(Iterable<V> list, V element) bool
Returns a true value if element is the first in the list.
isFirstIndex<V>(Iterable<V> list, int index) bool
Returns a true value if index is the first in the list.
isLast<V>(Iterable<V> list, V element) bool
Returns a true value if element is the last in the list.
isLastIndex<V>(Iterable<V> list, int index) bool
Returns a true value if index is the last in the list.
join<V>(Iterable<V> list, [String separator = '', String? last]) String
It joins all elements of the list with one separator and for the last iteration a different separator.
lastOrNull<V>(Iterable<V> list) → V?
Returns last element in array, if it's empty returns null.
lastWhereOrAdd<V>(List<V> list, bool test(V element), OrAdd<V> orAdd) → V
Returns the last element that satisfies the test if there isn't one add a new one and return it.
lastWhereOrNull<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, bool test(T element)) → T?
mapAsStream<V>(Iterable<V> source, Future<V> forEach(V elemente), [int parallels = 1]) Stream<V>
Iterable elements of source with support async and emits each forEach async end
mapAsync<V, R>(Iterable<V> source, Future<R> toElement(V element), [int parallels = 1]) Future<List<R>>
The current elements of source iterable modified by toElement. Runs in parallels and return a Future<List>.
next<V>(List<V> list, int index) → V?
Returns an element following the index, if out of bounds returns null.
previous<V>(List<V> list, int index) → V?
Returns a preceding element in the index, if out of bounds returns null.
toMap<K, V>(Iterable<V> list, GeneratorKey<V, K> generatorKey) Map<K, V>
Returns a Map with keys that's generated by generator.
toStream<V>(Iterable<V> list, [Duration? interval]) Stream<V>
Creates a stream with the items in the list.


Generator<G> = G Function(int index, G? previous, G? next)
Type definition for callback that creates a new object based on index, previous and or next
GeneratorKey<GV, GK> = GK Function(GV value)
Definition os callback that's return a key for the toMap function
OrAdd<O> = O Function()
Type of the callback that's called when has no one element in firstWhereOrAdd and lastWhereOrAdd