nextDayOfTheWeek function

DateTime nextDayOfTheWeek(
  1. DateTime from,
  2. int weekday

Return a new instance DateTime with next day of the week

from DateTime that will have incremented days weekday use 1 for Sunday .. 7 for Saturday


DateTime nextDayOfTheWeek(DateTime from, int weekday) {
  assert(weekday <= 7, 'weekday:$weekday must be less or equal then 7');
  assert(weekday > 0, 'weekday:$weekday must be grater then 0');
  var myWeekDay = (from.weekday == 7 ? 0 : from.weekday);
  return from.add(
      Duration(days: myWeekDay == weekday ? 7 : (myWeekDay - weekday).abs()));