devicePathFromIndex method

String devicePathFromIndex(
  1. int index

Device path from index Given a UART index get the associated device path. Can return null if the index does not map to a UART device


String devicePathFromIndex(int index) {
  if (index < 0) {
    return '';
  final ptrDevicePath = ffi.calloc.allocate<Pointer<Char>>(1024);
  final ret = _impl.mraa_uart_settings(index, ptrDevicePath, nullptr, nullptr,
      nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

  // If not success return null
  if (MraaReturnCode.returnCode(ret) != MraaReturnCode.success) {
    return '';

  // Set the output parameters
  try {
    return ptrDevicePath.value.cast<ffi.Utf8>().toDartString();
  } on FormatException {
    return '';