loop method

Future<void> loop(
  1. dynamic times

loop {int|String} times->
number n - loop n times
'inf' - loop infinitely often
'no' - switch loop to off

if times is not set, this method will toggle the loop state, if any looping is set, either 'inf' or a fixed number it will be switched off


Future<void> loop(times) async {
  // if times was set, use it. Times can be any number > 0, 'inf' and 'no'
  if (times != null) {
    return setProperty('loop', times);
  // if times was not set, net loop toggle the mute property
  else {
    // get the loop status
    // if any loop status was set, either 'inf' or a fixed number, switch loop to off
    // if no loop status was set, switch it on to 'inf'
    var loop_status = await getProperty('loop');
    return setProperty('loop', loop_status == null ? 'inf' : 'no');