startCheckout method

Future<CheckoutResult> startCheckout(
  1. Preference pref

First this create a Preference in mercadopago endpoint if something goes wrong it will throw a MpException else it will start the MobileCheckout screen using the SDK for android.


Future<CheckoutResult> startCheckout(
  Preference pref,
) async {
  try {
    if (Platform.isIOS) {
      throw Exception(
        'IOS platform is not supported by this package see',
    final url = Uri.parse('$_apiUrl/checkout/preferences');

    final headers = {
      'access_token': accesToken,
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer $accesToken',

    final body = json.encode(pref.toJson());

    final response = await, headers: headers, body: body);
    final responseBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;

    ///Handle response with errors
    if (response.statusCode != 200 && response.statusCode != 201) {
      final message = response.reasonPhrase;
      throw MpException.preference(
        message: 'Ha ocurrido un error al crear la preferencia: $message',

    final preferenceResponse = PreferenceResponse.fromJson(responseBody);
    final result = await _channel.invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
        'publicKey': publicKey,
    if (result == null) throw Exception('startCheckout result is null');
    return CheckoutResult.fromJson(result);
  } on Exception {
  } catch (exception, stackTrace) {
    throw MpException.unknown(
      exception: exception,
      stackTrace: stackTrace,