buildHighlights method

  1. @override
List<Highlight> buildHighlights(
  1. IDataSet<Entry> set,
  2. int dataSetIndex,
  3. double xVal,
  4. Rounding rounding,

An array of Highlight objects corresponding to the selected xValue and dataSetIndex.

@param set @param dataSetIndex @param xVal @param rounding @return


List<Highlight> buildHighlights(
    IDataSet set, int dataSetIndex, double xVal, Rounding rounding) {
  List<Highlight> highlights = List.empty(growable: true);

  //noinspection unchecked
  List<Entry?> entries = set.getEntriesForXValue(xVal);
  if (entries.isEmpty) {
    // Try to find closest x-value and take all entries for that x-value
    final Entry? closest = set.getEntryForXValue1(xVal, double.nan, rounding);
    if (closest != null) {
      //noinspection unchecked
      entries = set.getEntriesForXValue(closest.x);

  if (entries.isEmpty) return highlights;

  for (Entry? e in entries) {
    MPPointD pixels = provider!
        .getPixelForValues(e!.y, e.x);

        x: e.x,
        y: e.y,
        xPx: pixels.x,
        yPx: pixels.y,
        dataSetIndex: dataSetIndex,
        axis: set.getAxisDependency()));

  return highlights;