getClosestHighlightByPixel method

Highlight? getClosestHighlightByPixel(
  1. List<Highlight> closestValues,
  2. double x,
  3. double y,
  4. AxisDependency axis,
  5. double? minSelectionDistance,

Returns the Highlight of the DataSet that contains the closest value on the y-axis.

@param closestValues contains two Highlight objects per DataSet closest to the selected x-position (determined by rounding up an down) @param x @param y @param axis the closest axis @param minSelectionDistance @return


Highlight? getClosestHighlightByPixel(List<Highlight> closestValues, double x,
    double y, AxisDependency axis, double? minSelectionDistance) {
  Highlight? closest;
  double? distance = minSelectionDistance;

  for (int i = 0; i < closestValues.length; i++) {
    Highlight high = closestValues[i];

    // TODO : it was good change?
    if (high.axis == axis) {
      double cDistance = getDistance(x, y, high.xPx!, high.yPx!);
      if (cDistance < distance!) {
        closest = high;
        distance = cDistance;

  return closest;