AxisBase class abstract





axisLineColor Color
getter/setter pair
axisLineDashPathEffect DashPathEffect?
getter/setter pair
axisLineWidth double
getter/setter pair
axisMaximum double?
getter/setter pair
axisMinimum double?
getter/setter pair
axisRange double
getter/setter pair
axisValueFormatter ValueFormatter?
getter/setter pair
centerAxisLabels bool
no getter
centeredEntries List<double?>
getter/setter pair
customAxisMax bool
no setter
customAxisMin bool
no setter
decimals int
getter/setter pair
drawAxisLine bool
getter/setter pair
drawGridLines bool
getter/setter pair
drawGridLinesBehindData bool
getter/setter pair
drawLabels bool
getter/setter pair
drawLimitLineBehindData bool
getter/setter pair
enabled bool
getter/setter pairinherited
entries List<double>
getter/setter pair
entryCount int
getter/setter pair
forceLabels bool
no setter
granularity double
no setter
granularityEnabled bool
getter/setter pair
gridColor Color
getter/setter pair
gridDashPathEffect DashPathEffect?
getter/setter pair
gridLineWidth double
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
labelCount int
no setter
limitLines List<LimitLine>?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
spaceMax double
getter/setter pair
spaceMin double
getter/setter pair
textColor Color
getter/setter pairinherited
textSize double
getter/setter pairinherited
typeface TypeFace?
getter/setter pairinherited
xOffset double
getter/setter pairinherited
yOffset double
getter/setter pairinherited


addLimitLine(LimitLine l) → void
Adds a LimitLine to this axis.
calculate(double dataMin, double dataMax) → void
Calculates the minimum / maximum and range values of the axis with the given minimum and maximum values from the chart data.
disableAxisLineDashedLine() → void
Disables the axis line to be drawn in dashed mode.
disableGridDashedLine() → void
Disables the grid line to be drawn in dashed mode.
enableAxisLineDashedLine(double lineLength, double spaceLength, double phase) → void
Enables the axis line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this "- - - - - -". THIS ONLY WORKS IF HARDWARE-ACCELERATION IS TURNED OFF. Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
enableGridDashedLine(double lineLength, double spaceLength, double phase) → void
Enables the grid line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this "- - - - - -". THIS ONLY WORKS IF HARDWARE-ACCELERATION IS TURNED OFF. Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
getFormattedLabel(int index) String
getLimitLines() List<LimitLine>?
Returns the LimitLines of this axis.
getLongestLabel() String
Returns the longest formatted label (in terms of characters), this axis contains.
getValueFormatter() ValueFormatter?
Returns the formatter used for formatting the axis labels.
isAxisLineDashedLineEnabled() bool
Returns true if the axis dashed-line effect is enabled, false if not.
isAxisMinCustom() bool
Returns true if the axis min value has been customized (and is not calculated automatically)
isCenterAxisLabelsEnabled() bool
isGridDashedLineEnabled() bool
Returns true if the grid dashed-line effect is enabled, false if not.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeAllLimitLines() → void
Removes all LimitLines from the axis.
removeLimitLine(LimitLine l) → void
Removes the specified LimitLine from the axis.
resetAxisMaximum() → void
By calling this method, any custom maximum value that has been previously set is reseted, and the calculation is done automatically.
resetAxisMinimum() → void
By calling this method, any custom minimum value that has been previously set is reseted, and the calculation is done automatically.
setAxisMaximum(double max) → void
Set a custom maximum value for this axis. If set, this value will not be calculated automatically depending on the provided data. Use resetAxisMaxValue() to undo this.
setAxisMaxValue(double max) → void
Use setAxisMaximum(...) instead.
setAxisMinimum(double min) → void
Set a custom minimum value for this axis. If set, this value will not be calculated automatically depending on the provided data. Use resetAxisMinValue() to undo this. Do not forget to call setStartAtZero(false) if you use this method. Otherwise, the axis-minimum value will still be forced to 0.
setAxisMinValue(double min) → void
Use setAxisMinimum(...) instead.
setGranularity(double granularity) → void
Set a minimum interval for the axis when zooming in. The axis is not allowed to go below that limit. This can be used to avoid label duplicating when zooming in.
setLabelCount1(int count) → void
Sets the number of label entries for the y-axis max = 25, min = 2, default: 6, be aware that this number is not fixed.
setLabelCount2(int count, bool force) → void
sets the number of label entries for the y-axis max = 25, min = 2, default: 6, be aware that this number is not fixed (if force == false) and can only be approximated.
setLabelCount3(int count) → void
setLabelCount4(int count, bool force) → void
setValueFormatter(ValueFormatter? f) → void
Sets the formatter to be used for formatting the axis labels. If no formatter is set, the chart will automatically determine a reasonable formatting (concerning decimals) for all the values that are drawn inside the chart. Use chart.getDefaultValueFormatter() to use the formatter calculated by the chart.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.