creditCard method

Future creditCard({
  1. String? description,
  2. required double amount,
  3. required String publishableKey,
  4. required String cardHolderName,
  5. required String cardNumber,
  6. required int cvv,
  7. required int expiryManth,
  8. required int expiryYear,
  9. required String callbackUrl,

Credit Card

  • All parameters are amount, publishable_key, cardHolderName, cardNumber, cvv, expiryDate_manth,expiryDate_yar and callback_url must be non-null.
  • description An arbitrary string which you can attach to a payment object. Payment description is only for your reference and it is NOT displayed to users.
  • amount Total purchase amount in Saudi riyals
  • publishableKey Moyasar offer its clients a unique API keys to authenticates their API request.
  • cardHolderName Card holder’s name.
  • cardNumber The card number, as a string without any separators.
  • cvv Card security code. CVV or CVC
  • expiryManth Two digit number representing the card’s expiration month.
  • expiryYear Two or Four digit number representing the card’s expiration year.
  • callbackUrl URL of customer’s website page to be redirected to when using payment form method or after 3-D secure transaction (e.g.,


Future creditCard({
  String? description,
  required double amount,
  required String publishableKey,
  required String cardHolderName,
  required String cardNumber,
  required int cvv,
  required int expiryManth,
  required int expiryYear,
  required String callbackUrl,
}) async {
  var source = {
    'type': 'creditcard',
    'name': cardHolderName,
    'number': cardNumber,
    'cvc': cvv,
    'month': expiryManth,
    'year': expiryYear

  return _pay(
      description: description,
      amount: amount,
      publishableKey: publishableKey,
      source: source,
      callbackUrl: callbackUrl);