upload method

Future<UploadDocumentResponse?> upload({
  1. String? creator,

Uploads the SchemaDocument to the current accounts application-specific data store. The account then encrypts the data and effectively becomes the only entity to be able to view the values. A succesful transaction will return a UploadDocumentResponse.

final doc = defs.first.newDocument();
doc.set<String>('name', 'John Doe');
doc.set<int>('age', 42);
doc.set<bool>('isCool', true);

final res = await doc.save('My Profile');
if (res != null) {
   print('Document saved successfully');


Future<UploadDocumentResponse?> upload({String? creator}) async {
  if (!MotorFlutter.isReady) {
    Log.warn('MotorFlutter has not been initialized. Please call MotorFlutter.init() before using the SDK.');
    return null;
  if (!MotorFlutter.to.authorized.value) {
    Log.warn('MotorFlutter is not authorized. User MotorFlutter.to.createAccount() or MotorFlutter.to.login() to authorize the SDK.');
    return null;

  final resp = await MotorFlutterPlatform.instance.uploadDocument(UploadDocumentRequest(
    schemaDid: schemaDid,
    label: label,
    document: writeToJson().codeUnits,
  if (resp == null) {
    return null;
  resp.document.cid = resp.cid;
  return resp;