getList<T> method

List<T>? getList<T>(
  1. String name

Returns the provided T value from the SchemaDocument for the given name as a List of T values, or null if the field does not exist.

final doc = SchemaDocument();
if (names != null) {
 print(names); // prints the value of the field 'names'
throw Exception('Field not found'); // The field with the key 'names' was not found


//  final names = doc.getList<String>('names'); // returns the value of the field 'names' as a List<String>
/// if (names != null) {
///  print(names); // prints the value of the field 'names'
/// }
/// throw Exception('Field not found'); // The field with the key 'names' was not found
/// ```
List<T>? getList<T>(String name) {
  final field = fields.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.key == name);
  if (field == null) {
    throw Exception('Field not found');
  return field.getList<T>();