fetch method

Future<SchemaDocument?> fetch(
  1. String cid

Fetches the SchemaDocument from the current accounts application-specific data store using the provided cid. The account then decrypts the data and its values are returned as a SchemaDocument. A succesful transaction will return a SchemaDocument.

final cid = MotorFlutter.to.getCIDForDid('did:3:...');
final doc = await SchemaDocument.pull(cid);
if (doc != null) {
  print('Document pulled successfully');


Future<SchemaDocument?> fetch(String cid) async {
  if (!MotorFlutter.isReady) {
    Log.warn('MotorFlutter has not been initialized. Please call MotorFlutter.init() before using the SDK.');
    return null;
  if (!MotorFlutter.to.authorized.value) {
    Log.warn('MotorFlutter is not authorized. User MotorFlutter.to.createAccount() or MotorFlutter.to.login() to authorize the SDK.');
    return null;

  try {
    final resp = await MotorFlutterPlatform.instance.getDocument(GetDocumentRequest(
      cid: cid,
    if (resp == null) {
      return null;
    return resp.document;
  } catch (e) {
    return null;