init method

void init()


void init() {
  final path = join(current, 'json2dart');
  DirectoryHelper.createDir(path, recursive: true);

  if (!exists(join(path, 'json2dart.yaml'))) {
    join(path, 'json2dart.yaml')
        .write('''# json2dart for configuration generate
# node 1 is feature name
# node 2 is page name
# node 3 is api name can be multiple api in 1 page
# method allow: get, post, put, patch, delete, multipart (postMultipart / patchMultipart).
# cache_strategy allow: async_or_cache, cache_or_async, just_async, just_cache. by default set to just_async.
# base_url: base_url for remote api take from String.environment('\$base_url').
# example
# json2dart:
#   body_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd
#   response_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
#   api: true
#   endpoint: true
#   unit-test: false
#   replace: false

#   environment_url:
#     - &base_url BASE_URL

#   remote:
#     .login: &login
#       base_url: *base_url
#       path: /login
#       method: post
#       # header: json2dart/json/header/login_header.json
#       body: json2dart/json/body/login_body.json
#       response: json2dart/json/response/login_response.json
#       cache_strategy: async_or_cache
#     .register: &register
#       base_url: *base_url
#       path: /register
#       method: post
#       # header: json2dart/json/header/register_header.json
#       body: json2dart/json/body/register_body.json
#       response: json2dart/json/response/register_response.json
#       cache_strategy:
#         strategy: cache_or_async
#         ttl: 60
#     .forgot_password: &forgot_password
#       base_url: *base_url
#       path: /forgot_password
#       method: get
#       # header: json2dart/json/header/forgot_password_header.json
#       body: json2dart/json/body/forgot_password_body.json
#       response: json2dart/json/response/forgot_password_response.json
#       cache_strategy:
#         strategy: just_cache
#         ttl: 120
#         keep_expired_cache: true
# auth:
#   login:
#     login: *login
#   register:
#     register: *register
#   forgot_password:
#     forgot_password: *forgot_password

body_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd
response_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
api: true
endpoint: true
unit-test: false
replace: false

  - &base_url BASE_URL

  .login: &login
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /login
    method: post
    # header: json2dart/json/header/login_header.json
    body: json2dart/json/body/login_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/login_response.json
    cache_strategy: async_or_cache
  .register: &register
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /register
    method: post
    # header: json2dart/json/header/register_header.json
    body: json2dart/json/body/register_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/register_response.json
      strategy: cache_or_async
      ttl: 60
  .forgot_password: &forgot_password
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /forgot_password
    method: get
    # header: json2dart/json/header/forgot_password_header.json
    body: json2dart/json/body/forgot_password_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/forgot_password_response.json
      strategy: just_cache
      ttl: 120
      keep_expired_cache: true

  login: *login
  register: *register
  forgot_password: *forgot_password

  final pathBody = join(path, 'json', 'body');
  final pathResponse = join(path, 'json', 'response');

  DirectoryHelper.createDir(pathBody, recursive: true);
  DirectoryHelper.createDir(pathResponse, recursive: true);

  StatusHelper.success('morpheme json2dart init');