run method

  1. @override
void run()

Runs this command.

The return value is wrapped in a Future if necessary and returned by CommandRunner.runCommand.


void run() async {
  final argFlavor = argResults.getOptionFlavor(defaultTo:;
  final argMorphemeYaml = argResults.getOptionMorphemeYaml();
  final argOverwrite = argResults?['overwrite'] as bool? ?? false;


  final flavor = FlavorHelper.byFlavor(argFlavor, argMorphemeYaml);
  final firebase = FirebaseHelper.byFlavor(argFlavor, argMorphemeYaml);
  if (firebase.isEmpty) {
        'Cannot setup flavor firebase, You don\'t have config "firebase" with flavor "$argFlavor" in morpheme.yaml');
  } else if (which('flutterfire').found) {
    final project = firebase['project_id'];
    final token = firebase['token'];
    final platform = firebase['platform'];
    final androidPackageName =
        firebase['android_package_name'] ?? flavor['ANDROID_APPLICATION_ID'];
    final iosBundleId =
        firebase['ios_bundle_id'] ?? flavor['IOS_APPLICATION_ID'];
    final webAppId = firebase['web_app_id'];

    final argToken =
        token is String && token.isNotEmpty ? ' -t "$token"' : '';
    final argPlatform = platform is String && platform.isNotEmpty
        ? ' --platforms="$platform"'
        : '';
    final argWebAppId =
        webAppId is String && webAppId.isNotEmpty ? ' -w "$webAppId"`' : '';

    bool regenerate = true;

    final pathFirebaseOptions = join(current, 'lib', 'firebase_options.dart');
    if (exists(pathFirebaseOptions)) {
      final firebaseOptions = readFile(pathFirebaseOptions);
      if (RegExp('''projectId:(\\s+)?('|")$project('|")''')
          .hasMatch(firebaseOptions)) {
        regenerate = false;
        StatusHelper.generated('you already have lib/firebase_options.dart');

    if (regenerate || argOverwrite) {
      await 'flutterfire configure $argToken$argPlatform$argWebAppId -p "$project"  -a "$androidPackageName" -i "$iosBundleId" -y'
  } else {
        'flutterfire not installed, You can install with \'dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli\'');