loadYamlDocument function

YamlDocument loadYamlDocument(
  1. String yaml, {
  2. Uri? sourceUrl,
  3. bool recover = false,
  4. ErrorListener? errorListener,

Loads a single document from a YAML string as a YamlDocument.

This is just like loadYaml, except that where loadYaml would return a normal Dart value this returns a YamlDocument instead. This allows the caller to access document metadata.


YamlDocument loadYamlDocument(String yaml,
    {Uri? sourceUrl, bool recover = false, ErrorListener? errorListener}) {
  var loader = Loader(yaml,
      sourceUrl: sourceUrl, recover: recover, errorListener: errorListener);
  var document = loader.load();
  if (document == null) {
    return YamlDocument.internal(YamlScalar.internalWithSpan(null, loader.span),
        loader.span, null, const []);

  var nextDocument = loader.load();
  if (nextDocument != null) {
    throw YamlException('Only expected one document.', nextDocument.span);

  return document;