copy function

void copy(
  1. String from,
  2. String to, {
  3. bool overwrite = false,


void copy(String from, String to, {bool overwrite = false}) {
  var finalto = to;
  if (isDirectory(finalto)) {
    finalto = join(finalto, basename(from));

  if (overwrite == false && exists(finalto, followLinks: false)) {
    StatusHelper.failed('The target file ${truepath(finalto)} already exists.');

  try {
    /// if we are copying a symlink then we copy the file rather than
    /// the symlink as this mimicks gnu 'cp'.
    if (isLink(from)) {
      final resolvedFrom = resolveSymLink(from);
    } else {
  // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
  catch (e) {
    /// lets try and improve the message.
    /// We do these checks only on failure
    /// so in the most common case (everything is correct)
    /// we don't waste cycles on unnecessary work.
    if (isDirectory(from)) {
          "The 'from' argument ${truepath(from)} is a directory.");
    if (!exists(from)) {
      StatusHelper.failed("The 'from' file ${truepath(from)} does not exists.");
    if (!exists(dirname(to))) {
        "The 'to' directory ${truepath(dirname(to))} does not exists.",

        'An error occured copying ${truepath(from)} to ${truepath(finalto)}.');